??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??365体育直播全学共通教育推進機構
機構長 倉 茂 好 匡
1.概要(Outline)? 特任准教授 1名??? (Adjunct Associate Professor(English) 1?position)
?????? 職務内容(Responsibilities)
??????? (1)授業担当(Classes):共通基礎科目の「英語」を週9コマ×32週(定期試験含む)
????? (Teaching?9?classes of general English?per?week?over the 32?weeks(including exam?weeks)?of the
? academic??year.)?????
??????? (2)オフィス?アワー(Office hours):週1コマ (1 office hour / week)
? ? ? ? (3)機構長が必要と認める業務 (Other duties as designated by the Director of the Institute )????2.部署名(Department)? ? 全学共通教育推進機構(Institute for Promotion of General Education )??
3.職種(Job Title)???????特任准教授(英語担当)(Adjunct Associate Professor?(English))
4.勤務形態(Work Schedule)????
原則 月16日 勤務(火曜日~金曜日 始業時刻:8時30分 終業時刻:17時15分)
?? 所定勤務時間外および休日勤務:原則なし
(In principle, presence at the school 16 days / month, from 8:30 a.m.?to 5:15 p.m.
???????????? on Tuesdays through Fridays.? In principle, no overtime requirements or duties on public
??????????? ?holidays)
5.任期(Term of Office)? ?
(1-year contract, annually renewable for up to 5 years.
Possibility of an indefinite employment contract after 5 years.)
6.人員(Number of Positions) 1名(1?position)
7.教育専門分野(Fields of Specialization)
????????? 英語教育学、英語学、英語文学、英語コミュニケーション学、またはこれらに関連する分野
(TESOL, linguistics,?English literature, English?communication, or related fields)
? ? ? ? ? 原則として以下のいずれにも該当する者
????????????(In principle, candidates should meet all of the following conditions.)
????????? ①? 母語が日本語でない場合、大学の事務書類を読むことができ、会議等に参加できる
(① In cases where the applicant's mother tongue is not Japanese, sufficient Japanese
?????????????? ability to read school documents and participate in meetings.)
????????? ②上記の教育研究に関係する分野で修士以上の学位を取得後、大学あるいはそれに準ずる教育
? 機関で3年以上の教育経験を有する者
(② Master's or doctoral degree and 3 years of subsequent teaching experience at university or
?????????????? equivalent level.)
????????? ③教育、学生指導に熱意を有する者
(③ Enthusiasm for teaching?.)
9.募集期間(Application Period)
????????? 2018年12月14日(金)ー 2019年1月15日(火)17:00(必着)
? (Applications are accepted from Dec. 14, 2018(Fri.) and must arrive no later than 5 p.m.
???????????? on Jan. 15, 2019(Tue.).)
10.着任(採用)時期(Starting Date)
????????? 2019年 4月 1日(月) (April 1, 2019(Mon))
11.応募書類(送付先含む)(Application Materials)
?????????? 以下の全書類をPDFファイルにまとめSDカードかUSBフラッシュメモリあるいはCD-Rに保存し、一部
? 印刷したものと共に郵送すること。
? (All documents listed below must be submitted in both paper and digital versions.
???????????? The digital version should be a single PDF file saved on an SD memory card,USB flash
???????????? memory,or CD-R.)
?????????? ①履歴書(日本語と英語の両言語で、本学指定様式を使用、写真貼付のこと)
? (① Curriculum Vitae (one in Japanese and one in English) with photo attached,
??????????????? done in the format designated by USP.)
?????????? ②教育研究業績リスト(著書、論文、研究発表、教材等)本学指定様式を使用
? (② List of publications and achievements,?(in Japanese or English), done in the format
???????????????? designated?by USP.)
?????????? ③主要業績(3点まで)の別刷りまたは写し
? (③ Reprints (copies acceptable) of up to 3 major publications / achievements.)
?????????? ④本学での英語教育に対する抱負(英語で 1,000語程度)
? (④ A discussion of your aspirations for teaching at this University and?the approaches you would
??????????????? adopt in your teaching , Witten in English and approximately 1,000 words?in length.)
(⑤A copy of the diploma or certificate of completion for highest academic degree obtained.)?
?????????? ※必要に応じて面接および他の書類の提出を求めることがあります。
( An interview and/or additional material may be requested.?
?????????????? Transportation costs for interviews will not be reimbursed.)
????????? 【書類提出先】(郵送に限る No electronic applications accepted.?)
????????????? 365体育直播 全学共通教育推進機構長 倉茂好匡 宛
????????????? 〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500
?????????????????Address for mailing documents:
(Prof. Yoshimasa Kurashige, Director of the Institute for Promotion of General Education,
???????????????? The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2500 Hassaka-cho, Hikone, Shiga 522-8533)
(On the envelope, write in red " Application Materials for Adjunct Associate Professor
??????????????(English)." Send by registered mail. In principle, application materials will not be returned.)
??????????【連絡先住所】(Contact Information)
?????????????? 〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500
?????????????????? 365体育直播全学共通教育推進機構
??????????????????( Institute for Promotion of General Education, The University of Shiga Prefeture,
?????????????????? 2500 Hassaka-cho, Hikone, Shiga 522-8533)
??E-mail? ??kyomu@office.usp.ac.jp ?? ※質問はメールのみの受付となります。 ??
? (Questions will be accepted by E-mail only.)
12.担当者役職名(Position of Contact Person)?
?????????? 機構長(Director of the Institute)
13.担当者氏名(Contact Person)
?????????? 倉茂 好匡(Yoshimasa Kurashige)?????????????
14.備考(Additional Information)?
?????????? 待遇等
(① Annual salary (\4,728,000) plus commuting expenses. No additional allowances /
??????? bonuses.)
(②Fixed supplementary (\180,000) allowance.)
※①と②の金額はそれぞれ 2018年実績のため、変更される場合があります。
(※ The terms described above (① and ②) are for 2018, and may be subject to change.)
(③ Social benefits including health insurance in accordance with university contract
???? ?? personnel regulations.)
〇教育研究業績リスト(日本語)(List of publications and achievements(Japanese))
〇教育研究業績リスト(英語)(List of publications and achievements(English))