Junior College of Shiga Prefecture (Technical Department, Liberal Arts Department) was founded.
Agricultural Junior College of Shiga Prefecture (Agricultural Department) was founded.
1956 April
Junior College of Shiga Prefecture was restructured (Technical Department, Agricultural Department, Home Economics Department).
1958 March
Agricultural Junior College of Shiga Prefecture was abolished.
1971 April
Nursing Department was established.
1992 September
Basic framework of the University of Shiga Prefecture was developed.
1995 April
The University of Shiga Prefecture was founded.
1996 March
Nursing Department of Junior College of Shiga Prefecture, and Technical/Agricultural/Home Economics Department were closed.
1996 April
College of Nursing of the University of Shiga Prefecture (Attached College) was opened.
1999 April
Graduate School Master's Course (Environmental Science, Engineering, Human Cultures) was opened.
2001 April
Graduate School Doctoral Course (Environmental Science, Engineering, Human Cultures) was opened.
2003 April
School of Human Nursing was opened.
2005 March
College of Nursing was closed.
2006 April
Public University Corporation ,the University of Shiga Prefecture was established.
2007 April
Graduate School Master's Course (Human Nursing) was opened.
2008 April
The Department of Electronic Systems Enginieering, in school of Engineering was set up.
School of Environment Science and School of Human Cultures were restructured.
2009 April
Graduate School of Engineering 2nd term of doctoral course was restructured.
Set up Division of Advanced Engineering Science.
2012 April
The Department of Intercultural Communications, in School of Human Cultures was set up.
The Division of Electronic Systems Engineering, in Graduate School of Engineering?(Master's Course) was set up.